Thursday, May 1, 2008

Remembering His Works

"I will remember the deeds of the Lord;
yes, I will remember your wonders of old.
I will ponder all your work,
and meditate on your mighty deeds." Psalm 77:11-12

Today I was able to share my trip to Rwanda with some good friends with pictures and stories, and I was again reminded of the faithfulness of the Lord. Its funny looking back at something so significant and remembering the lessons and experiences as if they were far removed from me, sort of an objective teaching lesson. But today God graciously brought back many vivid memories of people in Rwanda that affected my life more than they will know. 

I was also incredibly blessed by a sister in the Lord who shall remain nameless :) And most who read this will not know who I am speaking of, but this sister acted in such a way that showed Christ to me so profoundly. Praise God :)

This is a picture Candy took while a few students and I were worshipping the Lord. An amazing experience of cross culture/language/country giving glory to the same God

My evening class. I love this picture because we all fell right after the picture was taken:)

On the last day of classes, my student wrote and read a poem in front of the whole class for me. It meant so much that he read it to everyone and sharing it with my friends today brought back so much appreciation for it. God was so gracious for using me in others' lives. Praise Him!

No matter where, no matter when
We are together
In spite of space, in spite of time
We are together

You leave our country, not our mind
You leave our sight, not our heart
We are together!

Just we will cry, when you take a fly
For its hard to leave the people you love

That's right you'll make everyone cry
Anywhere you leave because you're irreplaceable

Best at work we liked you most
Let us this time tell you all our thanks
You've done a lot

May God bless your plans
May you have a wonderful fly