Sunday, January 20, 2008

Praise the Lord

So I've had quite the time over break and over the first few weeks of school. The Lord has done so much in my mind and heart and I 
am confident that this is only the beginning of the glory He's going display. Do you ever just get so satisfied in that you have a marvelous Creator who loves you and pushes you into holiness, righteousness, purity, and love? Sometimes the fire hurts but when we come out more refined than before the joy far outweighs any pain it took to get there :) Praise God.

Aaron making way for Titanic to sink. Although we sunk a few, I guess Titanic was unsinkable that day. But we'll be back, won't we?

Adam and Aaron


    By far the best friend anyone could ever ask for :)


Kimberly Mallard said...

There is a lot you don't know about me I guess. :)

Love this post... :)

carly said...

i finally read all your newest posts (after reading all my old ones from last year on my blog lol) crazy how we have used these things so much in times past. and i experienced something similar to you, i think, when i looked back...

anyway, i'm so happy you're writing things again Dain...yours has always been the online writing that i most like to read.

i love you Dain.
