I decided I needed to include more pictures to make my posts more interesting, so hopefully the pictures will do just that :) I have a lot of fun at school even though it can be stressful, so here's a glimpse of it:
This is a trip to Disneyland where Kim and I found an official Disney hobo. It was incredibly odd to see a homeless looking man sleeping on the bench not because I don't see it a lot but because it was in a park that costs $60 just to get in. After Disney security asked him to refrain from lying down on main street, he left without incidence :)
This is what we do in O Chem lab when we're waiting for something to boil, evaporate, crystallize, etc. Pretty entertaining if you ask me.
This is kinda what we look like when we're actually working :) Here I think we are waiting for our product to crystallize. I think we got a pretty good product (Methyl 3-nitrobenzoate)
In other news, Team S.F. (ask me later if you don't know what that means - probably not a good idea to say that on the internet!) meets for the first time this Thursday to prepare for our trip this summer. I'm excited about meeting regularly, it will give the trip a more formed shape in my mind of what we'll be doing. Even if that isn't accomplished, it will be good to get to know each other more as a team. Check back for more updates on how that is coming along and what we could use prayer for. Hopefully I'll be posting more on how God is preparing me for the trip because He definitely is. Until then,
Auf Wiedersehen
Ha. At first I couldn't figure out what "S.F." was and then it suddenly clicked! hahaha. Yeah, I agree about getting the more formed shape in our minds, and also that if we don't, at least we'll get to know each other better. Looking forward to it! See you tomorrow :)
Oh man...why is it I always see crazy people with you? Man...it makes life so much more interesting. :)
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